Tuesday, July 12, 2011


OMG! I seriously cannot wait till this is over. I shouldn't be such a selfish ass because i know ofelia is going through a lot more pain then I am (which is part of the reason i cant wait for this to end) poor baby has been soooo cranky. barely sleeping. and having crying fits. Its taking its toll on me. Josh and I aren't living together right now (we will be in the next few days-two weeks from now). So, for the past month or so its felt like I've been a single parent and i give MAD PROPS to the mothers and fathers who truly are single parents. Josh has been working his ass off to get us on our feet again, and i cannot wait till we are all able to sleep in the same bed again. Plus my insomnia is in full force and when i finally do fall asleep the baby is up two hours later and is ready to start the day. I even took tylenol pm last night to try to help with my sleep issue and also my major headache from not sleeping at all the night before, and then doing mommy duty the whole day. well, it really didn't work and ofelia just wanted to keep waking up and playing. uhhh, not cool baby girl. haha. oh well, the joys of parenthood. the nice thing about them teefers is, WHEN SHE SMILES A BIG OL' GOOFY GRIN AND THOSE TWO LITTLE BABY TEETH SHOW! DAWWWWWW :) toooooo cutesy!
i am such a fucking dickhead