Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today."
—Lawrence M. Krauss

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

audrey horne

you're killing me with sexiness and i wanna rock those reversed saddle shoes

i REALLY want that bare trees blouse....

it certainly is!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

all flowers in time bend towards the sun

spring is here!! it always comes early in florida....and its actually starting to feel like summer, my tits are starting to sweat! i hate having big boobs (and now theyre even bigger since the baby, ughy) anyways. flowers and starting to bloom and foliage is turning bright green. its quite lovely.
i posted a "whats your favorite flower" question on facebook and now i want to do a blog post about flowers.
i said my favorite flowers are "sunflowers, lilacs, and lily of the valley"
lilacs and lily of the valley grew in our backyard in detroit. our backyard had sooo many flowers. it was amazing. the people that lived there before us were two old people and they had quite the green thumb. we had white roses, red roses, little hot pink roses, pinkish yellow roses, tiger lilies, lilacs, lily of the valley, and so forth. it was always fun to try to smash up flowers and add them to water, thinking i was making perfume. it smelled good at first but was pretty gross by the next day. i didn't realize alcohol was actually what i needed to be using.
so, sunflowers have been my favorite flower since i can remember. we didnt have sunflowers in our yard but i sure wish we did. i even liked that gross "sunflower" perfume. haha. my best friend that lived across the alley from us did have sunflowers in her yard though and we would eat the seeds. it was a lot of fun! i actually grew some sunflowers the year before last and planted them in the flower beds in front of the house but my mom and grandmother, thought they were weeds and ripped them all out...why they thought they were weeds, i have no idea! i was pretty crushed though. they were just starting to bloom!! maybe i'll try again this year.

lilacs usually grow on a bush or a small tree. the lilacs that grew in our yard were a huge ass tree. it was pretty amazing. my old bedroom was up stairs facing the backyard so my bedroom window had a lilac tree directly in front of it. when those babies bloomed you could smell them all throughout the house. my mom used to cut bundles of them and put them in vases in the kitchen. one time when i was really small i remember playing hide n go seek with my cousins and for some dumb reason i decided to hide behind the lilac tree...really great hiding spot dork! haha but anyways i remember looking up and directly in front of my face was this spider web in the lilacs and there were hundreds of baby spiders crawling all over it. it sort of freaked me out

who knew such a tiny flower could smell so damn good?? lily of the valley used to grow under our white rose bush. i used to think they looked like the cutest little wedding bells. i don't know if there could be a better flower to represent a wedding. i really wish they grew here. i have not come across any. i don't think they're even native to north america. i think they're asian (lilacs are asian also, i think. they do not grow in florida, either)

we also used to have this weird tree/bush thing that grew in the back of our yard. i don't know what it was called but it had these big bundles of whiteish flowers that grew on them. i called them pom poms because thats exactly what they looked like...or snowballs. we used to rip them from the tree and throw them at one another. they also attracted A LOT of bees....ahhh thank you google. i found them!! its called snowball viburnum

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