Tuesday, July 12, 2011


OMG! I seriously cannot wait till this is over. I shouldn't be such a selfish ass because i know ofelia is going through a lot more pain then I am (which is part of the reason i cant wait for this to end) poor baby has been soooo cranky. barely sleeping. and having crying fits. Its taking its toll on me. Josh and I aren't living together right now (we will be in the next few days-two weeks from now). So, for the past month or so its felt like I've been a single parent and i give MAD PROPS to the mothers and fathers who truly are single parents. Josh has been working his ass off to get us on our feet again, and i cannot wait till we are all able to sleep in the same bed again. Plus my insomnia is in full force and when i finally do fall asleep the baby is up two hours later and is ready to start the day. I even took tylenol pm last night to try to help with my sleep issue and also my major headache from not sleeping at all the night before, and then doing mommy duty the whole day. well, it really didn't work and ofelia just wanted to keep waking up and playing. uhhh, not cool baby girl. haha. oh well, the joys of parenthood. the nice thing about them teefers is, WHEN SHE SMILES A BIG OL' GOOFY GRIN AND THOSE TWO LITTLE BABY TEETH SHOW! DAWWWWWW :) toooooo cutesy!
i am such a fucking dickhead

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

there are a lot of benefits to co-sleeping....like being able to always see my baby, feeding her and falling right back asleep (sometimes falling asleep while doing so) being able to put her pacifier back in her mouth without having to get out of bed, and just being close to my baby....downfall of co-sleeping, being to afraid to sleep with my back to her, so i stay in the same position all night and wake up super achy every morning, having little room to myself. we need a bigger bed and i intend to get one once we have a little extra moneyz!!! with hemma at our feet, and sometimes virgil too, plus three human bodies, a queen sized bed seems pretty small. california king? i think so.

so its been super hard to drop this baby weight and i pretty much hate the body i see in the mirror. i thought about dying my hair a cotton candy pink to make myself feel better but with extra consideration, i think i'll just go with dying it a chocolate brown. i always love my hair when its a dark brown. its the best color for me.

how is it that no matter what time ofelia falls asleep 6pm, 7:30, 9pm, that she always manages to wake up at 6am every freaking morning???? i refuse to give her rice cereal. i just don't think its right for little tummies...no matter what doctors say. i think i'd rather lose sleep every night for the next couple of years than take the risk of her having severe food allergies later on in life.

i can't believe my little babe is going to be four months soon!! its seriously crazy! time is flying by and i'm already missing those first few weeks. although, shes starting to play and becoming her own little person. shes seriously a grouch like her mama, and she looks just like her daddy, and she farts like a champ just like her auntie ariel (seriously, it freaks me out how such a little thing can pass such loud gas) she is a midget just like her aunt emily. being a mommy is soooo hard but so rewarding, i love it. times can get tough when shes just in a bad mood and nothing makes her happy, but shes the sweetest little thing and i love her like no one else.

shes going to be up in about ten minutes, its almost 6am....so i better grab another cup coffee and enjoy my last ten minutes of silence (until she takes her nap, of course)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today."
—Lawrence M. Krauss

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

audrey horne

you're killing me with sexiness and i wanna rock those reversed saddle shoes

i REALLY want that bare trees blouse....

it certainly is!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

all flowers in time bend towards the sun

spring is here!! it always comes early in florida....and its actually starting to feel like summer, my tits are starting to sweat! i hate having big boobs (and now theyre even bigger since the baby, ughy) anyways. flowers and starting to bloom and foliage is turning bright green. its quite lovely.
i posted a "whats your favorite flower" question on facebook and now i want to do a blog post about flowers.
i said my favorite flowers are "sunflowers, lilacs, and lily of the valley"
lilacs and lily of the valley grew in our backyard in detroit. our backyard had sooo many flowers. it was amazing. the people that lived there before us were two old people and they had quite the green thumb. we had white roses, red roses, little hot pink roses, pinkish yellow roses, tiger lilies, lilacs, lily of the valley, and so forth. it was always fun to try to smash up flowers and add them to water, thinking i was making perfume. it smelled good at first but was pretty gross by the next day. i didn't realize alcohol was actually what i needed to be using.
so, sunflowers have been my favorite flower since i can remember. we didnt have sunflowers in our yard but i sure wish we did. i even liked that gross "sunflower" perfume. haha. my best friend that lived across the alley from us did have sunflowers in her yard though and we would eat the seeds. it was a lot of fun! i actually grew some sunflowers the year before last and planted them in the flower beds in front of the house but my mom and grandmother, thought they were weeds and ripped them all out...why they thought they were weeds, i have no idea! i was pretty crushed though. they were just starting to bloom!! maybe i'll try again this year.

lilacs usually grow on a bush or a small tree. the lilacs that grew in our yard were a huge ass tree. it was pretty amazing. my old bedroom was up stairs facing the backyard so my bedroom window had a lilac tree directly in front of it. when those babies bloomed you could smell them all throughout the house. my mom used to cut bundles of them and put them in vases in the kitchen. one time when i was really small i remember playing hide n go seek with my cousins and for some dumb reason i decided to hide behind the lilac tree...really great hiding spot dork! haha but anyways i remember looking up and directly in front of my face was this spider web in the lilacs and there were hundreds of baby spiders crawling all over it. it sort of freaked me out

who knew such a tiny flower could smell so damn good?? lily of the valley used to grow under our white rose bush. i used to think they looked like the cutest little wedding bells. i don't know if there could be a better flower to represent a wedding. i really wish they grew here. i have not come across any. i don't think they're even native to north america. i think they're asian (lilacs are asian also, i think. they do not grow in florida, either)

we also used to have this weird tree/bush thing that grew in the back of our yard. i don't know what it was called but it had these big bundles of whiteish flowers that grew on them. i called them pom poms because thats exactly what they looked like...or snowballs. we used to rip them from the tree and throw them at one another. they also attracted A LOT of bees....ahhh thank you google. i found them!! its called snowball viburnum

image source found here

Friday, March 25, 2011

mommy favorites

this stuff is seriously AMAZING!! Ofelia has a pretty bad baby rash and her skin is also starting to dry out. Last night I washed her face and neck with just warm water and a clean wash cloth. i applied a small amount of this to her cheeks, her little ears, the back of her neck and even her hair. this morning her skin looked a million times better!! (i've been using it on myself too. my ankles have been really dry and this stuff has been helping A LOT!) this stuff is kind of expensive. 10 bucks for a small jar but a little goes a long way! plus its all natural and NO ANIMAL TESTING YAY!!

babies need special detergents because of their sensitive skin. we were using a detergent made for babies. some purell shit. it had a really strong scent! it smells good but i think the scent might be causing ofelias baby rash, which seems to be getting worse! poor baby. so we switched to this and so far her skin is already starting to look better. i've also started washing our clothes in it too because she lays up against our clothes all the time when we're holding her! this stuff only cost 4 dollars for a bottle that does 32 loads. if everything keep getting better i will be a giant bottle of this stuff!

my hand made baby sling. baby slings can range from 50-100 dollars and i made this one for about 20 dollars. its so much easier to just throw her in the sling, rather than lug out our giant baby stroller(its an awesome stroller but super heavy) we also have a baby snugli carrier but she won't be able to use that until she can hold her head up. so this one is perfect. she can relax and fall asleep next to mommy. this thing has REALLY come in handy since she is now going through a fussy stage, where she cries for hours on end if i'm not holding her. so now i can plop her in the sling and still get my chores done. mommy is happy and baby is happy

speaking of fussy time! another thing i use to console her is the white album by the beatles. i swear its crazy!! i put on the white album, sing along and rock her in my arms. the crying stops and she falls fast asleep. the beatles are saving my sanity. i figured, shit, if the white album helped put me to sleep after many mushrooms trips then it should help relax a crying baby too!

seventh generation diapers!!! these bad boys are the best diapers we've used so far! we got a million diapers before ofelia was born and i put these on my registry. we haven't had any leak problems, unlike some other diapers like huggies and pampers! they are chlorine free which i LOVE because ofelia has super sensitive skin. she can't fit in the newborn sizes anymore but she can fit in size 1 of these but the pampers and huggies that we've tried to use in size one have been too big. we can't wait to use our fabric diapers though! shes been too small to wear them just yet, without them being a bulky overload! once we get her in fabric diapers we will still be using seventh generation for when we go out and for overnight. LOVE THEM! they're about 10.99 for a pack of 40.

we just bought her these Avent brand pacifiers. She was using the regular ones that you usually see. She was sucking so hard on those they were making lines in her face! these rest away from her face. she can suck as hard as she likes and there are no lines. they cost a bit more 5.99 for two. most binkies cost about 3.99 for two. but i think these are totally worth it. they also come with caps!! i love that! now i don't have to waste plastic baggies to put her pacifiers in when we go somewhere and i don't have to worry about cat hair blowing on them when they're not in use.

okay this thing is a life saver!! this graco baby swing only costs about 100 dollars which is cheaper than a lot of other swings! it plays classical music and bird songs. she loves the music. she loves this swing. she'll stay in it all day long and just totally chill out. she just looks around, watches everyone, and even sleeps. i think she likes this thing more than me! haha. another awesome thing! it plugs in! no going through mass amounts of batteries. HELL YEAH!

enfamil on the go packets!! i don't have to carry around a big thing of formula in my diaper bag! hell yes! i just grab a few of these, fill a couple of bottles with sterilized water and wa-la! they're about 6 dollars for 20 or so. i got them at publix though, so they might be cheaper somewhere else. i thought 6 bucks was a good deal though. this is the only kind of formula ofelia can stomach. unfortunately breast feeding didnt work out for us. i was so stressed out and that was causing me not to produce enough milk. i tried everything to build up my milk supply. letting her suck even though i knew she wasnt getting anything. herbal supplements, pumping after trying to breast feed. nothing worked for me and she would scream when she was really hungry and i was trying to breast feed! it made things more stressful and too hard. i then had to deal with the guilt of giving up breast feeding. but i realized i wasnt happy and if i'm not happy neither is baby. now, we're both happy! i'm on WIC and they don't give you enfamil which BLOWS! they gave me gerber good start gentle, which is supposed to be similar to this. we havent tried it yet. so i have five cans sitting in the pantry. they don't make on the go packets for gerber good start either! super lame! if it upsets ofelias stomach too much i'll just pay the 25 dollars a week on a can of the enfamil and give the good start to my friends baby because thats what she uses.

like i've said before. ofelia has super sensitive skin! they don't sell the seventh generation baby wipes at our target which makes me sooo sad!! so i just got these yesterday. so far i love them! no smells, super soft (which is a must for a baby girl! you have to get into EVERY area to make sure they don't get any infections) we tried a few other types of wipes. some had strong scents, some where too rough on the extra sensitive areas, some where pretty awesome, like the "parents choice organic" but they only sell those at walmart and well, i avoid walmart like the plague. plus you get a pack of 3 for about 4 dollars and some change.

these bottles are the best we've used so far! we bought them because they work similar to a breast and baby has to latch on to get the milk. we bought these when i was still breast feeding and we are still using them! they have a softer, squishier nipple, and that helps with swallowing air. i seriously love these bottles and will probably only use these from now on. they're a bit expensive. over five dollars for one bottle. but you can get a three pack for 15 so you save about 2 or 3 dollars if you do that. they take a few seconds longer to assemble because there are two parts to the nipple but its worth it. (i like these better than my glass, born bottle, made to prevent colic, which has like a million parts and takes a minute to assemble)

i really want to get some of Dr. Bronners (click through to go to the webpage) baby soap. I LOVE Dr. Bronners for myself. Ive used the lavender and peppermint castile soaps so far and they rock. I feel squeeky clean and i have less skin irritations. So, soon I plan on getting the baby one for Ofelia. They cost 13 dollars a bottle but you only need a very small amount. I've been using Johnsons and Johnsons natural crap which could also be a cause to Ofelias rash. Its all we have though. I can't wait to try something new. Plus Johnsons and Johnsons tests on ANIMALS! assholes. I really need to stop using that crap. it makes me feel guilty. I wish they sold the Eucalyptus one at our target because i really want that one for josh and me (josh is a bronners lover, also)

NOW, here are my favorite MOMMY BLOGS!! :)
Dear Baby
Bleubird Vintage (probably one of my favorite blogs all around)
skunkboy creatures (she also makes the CUTEST stuffed animals on her etsy)
rockstar diaries (a new mommy, like me! i think my cute sister in laws would love this blog because taza is a super cute mormon mommy)

okay it took me FOREVER to write this blog and there are probably a million typos, sorry!1 heehee!

oh and by the way my most favoritest!! is my little butterbean moonbeam OFELIA BOBBIE LINTON xoxoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

girlish crush

syd barrett was really cute

Saturday, March 19, 2011

the collector

its been a while since i've seen this movie but i was thinking about how creepy it was the other day.
its about this homie that watches this homegirl from a far and dreams about having her for himself. eventually homeboy kidnaps homegirl and locks her up in his basement. now, this homeboy isn't interested in sex. no, he just wants to get to know her. he tells her he'll let her go after a month and homegirl starts her homemade, colorful calendar on the wall. homegirl eventually pities homeboy because he's so pathetic. homeboy shows homegirl his collection of dead butterflies and homegirl realizes "they're all dead!! you killed them, and now you've collected me, straight up freak!!" (pretty sure she doesnt say those exact words, haha but you get the idea) homie soon proposes to the girl and she tries to sexually seduce him to try to escape. homeboy loses respect for her and she ends up trying to kill him to get away. they wrestle in the rain and he eventually gets a grip on her and ties her up in the basement and leaves her there, soaking wet and cold for days. she gets sick and dies. he's upset at first and realizes she got what she deserved. at the end of the movie, freakazoid goes on the prowl for the new girl to add to his collection

the movie is actually pretty cool and based off the book by john fowles. there was a criminal minds episode that revolved around a killer/kidnapper that was obsessed with this book and sent clues to the BAU that made reference from the book. the smiths also used a behind the scenes still as cover art.


this movies storyline is actually pretty boring. there are a few funny parts but i probably would have fallen asleep if it weren't so pretty to look at! (josh did fall asleep) plus the george harrison soundtrack is amazingly awesome!!! the movie is about some creeper oldie that lives next door to the beautiful jane birkin (penny lane) and her boyfriend. he cuts holes in his wall and ceiling and watches them...to the point where he pretends to be sick at work so he can go home and spy....then he stops showing up to work all together and even goes through the ceiling and into her apartment. CREEPY!!

photos taken from childofthemoon


today pawpaw and betty came to visit us and little ofelia. i really like this picture of all of them!
they didn't stay long and after they left I made kale soup. Josh's mom gave us a bunch of farm fresh kale and green onions so i finally got around to using the majority of it. it turned out pretty good considering i didnt have very much to work with. tomorrow i think i'll use the rest of it for a kale and chickpea mash.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I love Zooey Deschanel! She's one mf my favorite modern actresses(although she seems to play very similar characters, she's always incredibly cuteeeee) . Shes super duper pretty. She has a cute 1960s style. Plus she has a lovely voice. If I were a lesbian I'd totally do her.

i could go on and on posting pictures of her...there are so many great ones to choose from! but, i'll stop here.